WOW Healthy Foodspot

A dream come true! After years of experimenting, tasting and posting recipes on social media, you can finally enjoy my colourful smoothie bowls, creamy chia pudding, delicious banana bread, mouth-watering chocolate bowl or one of the many other nutrient-packed creations. Prepared with pure ingredients,
gluten-free and lactose-free.

My food journey

As the daughter of a baker, I grew up among the smells of freshly baked bread and sweets. At home, there was always an overflow of delicacies, with cake as a treat on weekends and the smell of a simmering frying pan on Saturdays. During the week, we ate meat with potatoes and vegetables and sometimes pasta or rice. Dessert after dinner was a regular ritual, followed by a bowl of fruit before bed. I largely adopted this diet when I moved in together. My favourite breakfast was a slice of gingerbread with margarine and a bowl of fruit yoghurt. Around ten o’clock, I would crave something sugary and reach for a biscuit. Our family expanded with a daughter and a son who joined our eating habits after the bottle and jar period. My nutrition journey towards pure, unprocessed food began thanks to Vivian Reijs’ book “Restore Your Hormones”. Adjusting my diet not only balanced my hormones and stabilised my blood sugar, but made me feel so much more energetic and happy. Several studies in natural nutrition and lifestyle followed. Since then, our whole family’s eating habits have changed a lot and margarine is in the only place it belongs. In the bin!


Food is Medicine and Health is Wealth

Eat like a primeval human

From our primal brain, humans have a preference for sweet, salty, fatty and overeating. After all, in the original environment of scarcity, you were never sure if you would have food next week. In the times we live in now, this actually works against us. Nor is it made easy for us. Food is available all around us. We eat too much, too often and food is too new to us. There were no soda lakes, crisps bushes or Snickers plants in prehistoric times. Nature was the only supplier of food. When you consider that our genes are still almost identical to the genes of primeval man, you can understand that we are not adapted to a Western diet that largely consists of processed carbohydrates, refined sugars, grains and dairy. This results in complaints and welfare diseases.

A healthy body gets the right nutrition

At WOW Healthy Foodspot, we use as many pure, unprocessed ingredients as possible when preparing your breakfast or brunch dish. We aim to feed your body and mind with the best nutrients that nature has to offer and give you energy. With the right balance of proteins, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. Full of fibre, vitamins and minerals.

Can’t tolerate gluten or lactose? We have taken that into account on our menu. It is mostly gluten-free and lactose-free, so that you too can enjoy a carefree meal. Every body is unique and has different needs. At WOW you can therefore choose to add extras to your dish, such as a supplement of pure omega 3 oil.

Our mission is to inspire and give you a taste of how to eat delicious and healthy food. Get to know new, colourful breakfast and brunch dishes that you can integrate into your daily life. Food as nature intended. That is what we strive for. Food that keeps you IN FLOW and that you say WOW to! Full of passion and love, we are currently working on the menu, finding the best local suppliers and decorating the restaurant.


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