It’s so recognisable

Before bed, you want to quickly work through those last emails or watch that one episode of your favourite Netflix series. Before you know it, it’s almost midnight and you realise you’re going to bed way too late.

In the modern society you live in, it is so tempting to continue your screen time late into the evening. You are constantly exposed to digital triggers that hold your attention, which does not make it easy for you to relax. But as you get carried away by these distractions, you sometimes forget the most important thing: your sleep.

Maybe you think a few hours of sleep here and there won’t make any difference. Well, then let me help you out of the dream. Research has shown that lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and even encourage obesity. Let’s take a deeper look at how too little sleep can cause you to get fat and what exactly is happening in your body.

The Relationship Between Sleep and Weight

Hormonal imbalance
Sleep deprivation disrupts the balance of important hormones that regulate hunger and fullness, such as ghrelin and leptin. Lack of sleep increases the production of ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates hunger. In contrast, it lowers levels of leptin, the hormone that signals fullness. This can lead to overeating and a greater urge to snack, especially on high-calorie foods.

Changes in metabolism
Too little sleep can also lead to changes in glucose and insulin metabolism, which can disrupt blood sugar levels and increase the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Moreover, disturbed sleep can affect fat metabolism, causing the body to store more fat and burn fat less effectively.

Increased craving for unhealthy food
After a short night of sleep, people often crave more calorie-rich, fat-rich and sugar-rich foods. This is partly due to the disruption of hormones that regulate hunger and fullness, but also to changes in brain activity associated with sleep deprivation. This makes it harder to make healthy food choices and you are more likely to give in to temptations.

“Yes, I recognise this! Then I crave a bar of chocolate and a croissant with a thick layer of jam.”


The Impact of Chronic Sleep Deprivation

Chronic sleep deprivation can have several negative effects on both physical and mental well-being. There is a higher risk of weight gain, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and a weakened immune system. Mood swings increase and the risk of depression and anxiety disorders may rise. Besides, it can affect cognitive function. After just one night of sleep deprivation, you have a less productive day. You can think less clearly and your problem-solving ability worsens.

Naturally, you strive for the opposite. You want to start the day full of energy and focus, you want to feel happy and vital. Achieving your goals is important to you. To do that, it is essential to get enough sleep each night. That way, the trillions of cells in your body can repair and renew themselves. Your immune system is strengthened and memories are processed and stored. Balanced hormonal levels also help you in making healthy breakfast choices.

Sleep creates a clean-up in our brain –
Drs. Richard de Leth

3 tips to improve your sleep pattern

Maintain a regular sleep schedule with enough hours of sleep
A study based on data collected over decades showed that seven to nine hours of sleep is the most ideal for adults to feel most vital. Find out what works best for you. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every night, even on weekends, to keep your internal clock in balance.

Avoid screens before bedtime
Easier said than done, but try to put away your phone, tablet and laptop and turn off the television at least an hour before you go to sleep. If you do have to keep working, put on special glasses that filter blue light. Blue light actually depresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates our day-night rhythm. When your melatonin level is low, your body signals that it is daytime. This keeps you awake and alert. You need melatonin to fall asleep easily and experience better quality sleep.

Get up earlier
You really don’t have to get up an hour earlier right away, just start with ten minutes. Of course, any longer is also possible if you like. It is truly an act of self-care to start the day with time for yourself. Not for your children, not for your partner nor for your work. You start the day with a sense of tranquillity and that is priceless. It helps you handle stressful situations better for the rest of the day. By adding exercise to your morning routine, you will be more likely to feel tired at the end of the day. You will fall asleep more easily and more relaxed.

During your stay at Mi Flow in Spain, applying these three tips will be made easy for you. With us, vitality starts in the morning. We invite you to get up earlier and experience how great starting the day with time for yourself is. This lays the foundation for a relaxing day together with your partner or family. If you don’t know what to do in the evening without a screen, there are games and books at your disposal. And how about an evening walk on the beach or relaxing in the sauna with breathtaking sea views? You can count on falling asleep delightfully afterwards. Clocky will help you get up earlier. Good night!


Want to improve your sleep?

Beware: it can cause you to become a MORNING PERSON!

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